Raven and Beast Boy had just finished studying for an exam when Raven suggested they do something naughty. Beast Boy was down with the idea and quickly stripped Raven naked. Then he had Raven suck his dick while he masturbated. Her mouth was so hot that he soon came and had Raven swallow it all down. But suddenly the door opens and Jinx enters. What will happen next. Enjoy.
Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner - movie characters that has become the favorite sfor many fans of"The Pirates of the Caribbean" movie seires. Are you ready to meet them once again during anotehr one of their by all means titillating adventures? Good! But be certain that you are adult enough because this time it is going to be erotic parody which will allow you to see familiar characters and situations from another point of view. And not simply to see but also to take some part because since this is a game there needs to be a few interactive elements in it (just don't expect any xxx gameplay ofocurse)! From putting together a treasure map to wild threesome fucking with a cutie on tropical island - the escapade that any pirate would sign up without second thought!
Did you ever thought that Aang and Azula might have some secret story? Well, this game will tell you all about it... and show it's finest moments of course! One day the battle has happened - conflict between avatar Aang and princess Azula! And you should not be surprised that aang has won that time. But what has happened next? Aang who was ayoung man willing to fuck some busty chick all the time had Azula lying in front of him. And our plucky hero used his chance! In a series of manga porn minigames you will see and sort of try yourself all the kinky things that he has done with his not so long time ago mortal enemy. Help Aang to master his phat pipe and enjoy the view of azula's kinks (which are considerably thicker than in the TV show - this is manga porn parody after all).
Raven and Beast Boy had just finished studying for an exam when Raven suggested they do something naughty. Beast Boy was down with the idea and quickly stripped Raven naked. Then he had Raven suck his dick while he masturbated. Her mouth was so hot that he soon came and had Raven swallow it all down. But suddenly the door opens and Jinx enters. What will happen next. Enjoy.
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